Among the various gifts of nature, air is the freest of them all but in this present times, it's becoming almost the costliest (especially the fresh air).
Just few years back, air conditioning was a luxury enjoyed by a privileged wealthy few who thought they're doing themselves good by shutting out the natural air from their homes, offices and cars not knowing they're doing themselves more harm than good.
Ventilation is the intentional introduction of outside air in a space. It displaces indoor air pollutants, giving room for a free flow of natural air that is very essential for the body. Click here for the importance of natural air to the human body.
It's understandable that air conditioning is inevitable and essential atimes, but it's necessary that we shouldn't replace the natural air with it!
Just few years back, air conditioning was a luxury enjoyed by a privileged wealthy few who thought they're doing themselves good by shutting out the natural air from their homes, offices and cars not knowing they're doing themselves more harm than good.
Ventilation is the intentional introduction of outside air in a space. It displaces indoor air pollutants, giving room for a free flow of natural air that is very essential for the body. Click here for the importance of natural air to the human body.
It is more beneficial and refreshing for you to open your windows and let those God given air in than shutting them out and switching ON your 🆒AC.
Much more than opening your doors and windows to natural air, one of the best recreation to have is going out to sit in the parks, beach side and various outdoor places just to catch some dose of fresh air and improve your health and well being. Try this, you'll be glad you did!
A cool late afternoon relaxation
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By Betty Chigozirim ©Betty's Desk, a co-writer on tvital blog.
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