The Crocodile's Jaw. Was it designed?

Tvital Plus

The Crocodile,  a large reptile with a long tail, hard skin and very big jaws that live in the water.  Let us talk about its jaw today.

The crocodile has the most powerful bite ever measured for animals that are living. For example, the salt water crocodile, found near Australia, can bite nearly three times as hard as a lion or tiger. Yet, the crocodile’s jaw is also incredibly sensitive then the human fingertip how can that be considering the crocodile’s armored skin?

The crocodile’s jaw is covered with thousands of sense organs. After studying them, researchers like Duncan Leitch noted; “Each of the nerve endings comes out of a hole in the skull.” This arrangement protects the nerve fibres in the jaw while providing sensitivity that in some spots is greater than instruments could measure. As a result, the crocodile can distinguish between food and debris in its mouth. That is also how a mother crocodile can carry her hatchling in her mouth without accidently crushing them. The crocodile’s jaw is a suprising combination of power and sensitivity. What do you think? Did the crocodile’s jaw come by evolution? Or was it designed? Express your thoughts in the comment box below. You can also add things about the crocodile to



    1. Crocodiles can swim at 25mph just with the help of their powerful tail.2. Farmed crocodiles can reach 1.5 metres(5ft) in length in just one year.3. When crocodiles sit on river banks with their mouths opens, it's not aggression. They're trying to cool off as they sweat through their mouths.4. Crocodiles display increased aggressiveness during the mating season,which is linked to the monsoon.5. Each crocodile jaw has 24 teeth that are meant to grasp and crush, not chew. They swallow stones that grind food inside theirstomachs, and also act as ballast.

  2. 6. Ninety-nine per cent of crocodile offspring are eaten in the first year after birth, by large fish, herons, monitor lizards and adult crocodiles.7. Crocodile skin is considered one of the finest,
    treasured for it durability and softness. It's a sign of status in tribal societies.8. Some tribes, like those in New Guinea, venerate the crocodile and give themselves scarring to match that of a crocodile skin.9. Crocodiles, which first appeared 240 million years ago, can live up to 80 years.10. "Crying crocodile tears" – displaying fake sadness – comes from the myth that the reptiles weep when eating humans. They do wipe their eyes when feeding, but only because their eyes bubble and froth when eating.


    it was designed by the supreme being...
    one of the reasons you should believe there is GOD!


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