Africa's Poorest Countries

Africa is developing fast but
there are less than just a
handful of countries that are
making a global impact whose
economy is actually growing.
Some African countries are
still regarded among the
poorest countries in the world
today. A large number of
citizens in most countries in
the largest populous black
continent still live in abject
poverty with only a few
people being able to afford to
live above the poverty
line. Political insecurity and
war has made some of these
nations difficult to live in. The
classification below is based
on International Monetary
Fund’s gross domestic
product per capita (GDP per
capita) which is a measure of
purchasing power in the
international market. This
article highlights some of the
poorest countries in Africa
and some background
information about them, here
goes the list:
Below is the List
of Poorest
Countries in Africa
1. Mali- GDP Per Capita:
2. Sierra Leone- GDP Per
3. Togo- GDP Per Capita:
4. Eritrea- GDP Per
Capita: $544
5. Ethiopia- GDP Per
Capita: $505
6. Madagascar- GDP Per
Capita: $463
7. Democratic Republic of
Congo – GDP Per
Capita: $484
8. Liberia- GDP Per
Capita: $454
9. 4. Niger- GDP Per
Capita: $415
10. Central African
Republic- GDP Per
Capita: $333
11. Burundi- GDP Per
12. Malawi- GDP Per
Capita: $226
